Access Keys:

St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15


Our HSCL Coordinator is Eileen Harte who can be contacted on

The Home School Community Liaison (H.S.C.L.) scheme is a key part of supporting your son/daughter’s journey through St Philip the Apostle Junior & Senior National Schools.

The scheme aims to increase the link between home and school by encouraging parents to become more involved in their children’s education. We believe that you, the Parent/Guardian, have the most valuable insights into your son/daughter.

HSCL provides an opportunity for you to be empowered as the primary educator of your child, and by working together we can create the maximum opportunities for our students. The HSCL coordinator meets many parents/guardians throughout the year both in school and when visiting the home, and also attends relevant community meetings to maintain an active link between St. Philip the Apostle schools and the many agencies in our local community. The HSCL coordinator also attends cluster meetings with other HSCLs from all the primary and post-primary schools in the area, thus promoting cooperation between all local schools.

HSCL strives to create opportunities for learning and activity that will further connect you as a family. Activities are often organised by the HSCL coordinator, which set out to encourage greater contact between parents, teachers and local voluntary groups. Activities in our school include Wellbeing/Yoga classes and Literacy classes.