25th May 2020
Hello boys and girls, we hope you’re enjoying doing a little bit of mindfulness and spreading kindness in your homes. Some ideas for this week:
- Draw a secret picture or write a secret note for someone in your house - thank them for one nice thing they did for you that day. I bet it will put a big smile on someone's face!
- Teddy Bear breathing: Lie down on your back, somewhere quiet and get comfortable. Put a little teddy on your tummy and now its your job to rock the teddy to sleep using just the rise and fall of your tummy as you breathe in deeply (belly gets bigger) and breathe out slowly (belly falls down).
- Check the weather inside: Do a little weather report on how you feel today... Is it bright and sunny because you feel happy? Maybe it's cloudy and you don't feel your best... whatever the weather, these feelings are ok... check in every day so see if they change!
St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15, Ireland Telephone: 01 8212992