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St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15

Friendship Week

16th Nov 2020

This week in school we are celebrating Friendship Week. 

We have some planned activities for the whole school as well as doing some individual class activities and lessons. Our aim is to promote friendship and kindness. We will look at how a person can be a good friend and how you can help someone else by not tolerating mean or unkind behaviours.

Here are some of the main events we have lined up:

  1. Art Competition: Children can paint/ draw/ create a piece of art with the theme of friendship. They must bring their entry into their class teacher by Thursday. Every class will have one winner and there shall be a small prize for each entry.
  2. Games Day: On Tuesday, each class will dedicate a certain part of the day to playing fun board games with their teachers and classmates. 
  3. Yard Swap: On Wednesday the children will get to swap yards with another class- there is always great excitement on yard swap day!!
  4. Pyjama Day: On Thursday the children should wear their pyjamas or comfy clothes to school. During the day their class will chill out together and watch a nice movie with some cinema treats too.
  5. Other: We will be playing music over the intercom, have a zoom meeting with the principal, enjoy fun activities and lessons during the week for the boost we all need this November.

What can you do: 

  • Ask your child what friendship activities they are doing in school each day.
  • Tell your child about your friend- what makes a good friend to you.
  • Catch your child being kind or being a good friend
  • Encourage your child to stand up for other children if they notice or see someone being mean.

We are all looking forward to the week ahead and hope the children really enjoy it.