Access Keys:

St. Philip the Apostle JNS, Mountview Rd, Coolmine, Dublin 15

Admissions 2025/2026

Enrolment for Junior Infants 2025/2026

St. Philip's J.N.S. invite parents/guardians to make an application for incoming Junior Infants - September 2025 at the following link.

A Birth Certificate or Passport (to confirm date of birth) and a utility bill with name and address visible on page must be uploaded to complete application. When applying for a place in our ASD class, please ensure to include any assessments and letter from the NCSE confirming child’s eligibility to apply for a place in the ASD class and also the recommendation to attend an autism class attached to a mainstream school. Documents can be uploaded online or sent to . Only complete applications will be further processed. 

Notify NCSE – Special Class/Special School Placement

In the Department of Education Circular – New measures to support the Forward Planning for Special Education Provision ( it is indicated that parents seeking a special class or special school placement for their child for the coming academic year 2025/26 make contact with the NCSE.

The NCSE have set up a dedicated NCSE email address to be used by parents looking to contact them about special class/school placement.

Note: this email address is available to assist parents who have not yet engaged with their local SENO and wish to make contact with the NCSE for the first time in relation to seeking a special school/class placement for the 2025/26 school year.

If you have already made contact with your SENO and provided professional reports that may support special class/school placement for your child, there is no need to contact us via this email address.

is the dedicated NCSE email address you can use to make initial contact with the NCSE.